February 2, 2010

Why can't we all just get along?

Ok, so here’s my question:  when did it become ok to specifically name bash your competitor?  It used to just be left for you to decipher…

Every time I sit down to watch TV with Anthony, those dumb commercials with Luke Wilson come on:  “AT&T loads faster than Verizon.  Verizon just leaves you hanging.” – insert really annoying Luke Wilson voice here – And then the little maps show up over people’s heads, which are conveniently color-coded in case you didn’t know that Verizon is RED and AT&T is BLUE (I guess if you’re color blind it doesn’t make that much of a difference though) and then something else happens in the commercial, like Luke Wilson’s head fails to completely load and he stumbles out of his box, (but that doesn’t seem like any kind of news to me) and then the Verizon map falls out of the sky and the AT&T logo flashes on the screen. 

I’m not sure who came up with the commercials, but they really are overdone.  I mean I don’t want to see anyone’s competitor bashing commercial more than once in a one-hour period, at least.  But AT&T, gosh, they place those commercials back to back, it seems.  I usually just mute them, but muting doesn’t get rid of Luke Wilson’s face.  Plus, I’ve heard them so much that his voice is just kind of ingrained in my brain.  Ugh.  It’s my personal opinion that a commercial that so openly degrades another company is a stupid idea.  Whether the information is correct or not, those commercials are more annoying than anything.  Am I alone here?  Probably…but what else is new.

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