October 11, 2010

I'm not who you think I am...

 I guess this kind of goes along with our recent theme of accepting people for who they are, regardless of what they believe or do.  I wrote this on FaceBook this morning and I thought I would share it here too.  Don't get mad or angry about what I said, it's just my personal feelings and beliefs and I wanted to share.  I hope maybe you can get something out of it.

I think a lot of people assume I have very liberal views because of the people I associate with and the events I attend.  I'm not usually asked what my opinion is, people just kind of assume they know.  Only, what they think they know about me isn't actually true.

I'm not really into politics.  I don't discuss them, I don't debate them, not even with my husband, to be honest.  And it's not because I can't back up what I believe or who I support, it's just I really don't think it's anyone's business, so why should I put it out there?  I get tired of being online or even being face to face with someone who bashes a politician because they said something that's not quite "p.c."  Get my drift?  Politicians shouldn't say things that they know the public wants to hear, they should speak up about what they actually believe.  I know how mad Americans get when a politician gets elected into office and then it comes out that they don't quite back up everything that was said during their campaign.  Let people in politics say what they believe, whether it's liberal or conservative and don't bash them for doing so.  Everyone claims they want honest politicians so what's to complain about?.... but enough of that....

I live my life for God, and I'm not ashamed of that.  I have my beliefs and you all have yours.  We probably don't believe all the same things, which is fine.  I'm ok with having friends with different backgrounds, religions, beliefs, and lifestyles.  If I didn't, I wouldn't be able to love all my friends the way I do.  I'm not going to bash you because you support homosexuals or abortion or anything else like that.  That doesn't mean I condone those decisions, but I accept and love those people because Jesus told me to.  If I claimed to be a Christian and then spoke badly about people living an alternate lifestyle, I would be a hypocrite.  I believe the Bible and I know that Jesus associated with tax collectors, women of questionable reputation, and all kinds of other people that weren't just like Himself.  He didn't tell them to go away, He didn't refuse to help them, instead He spoke to them, He had dinner with them...ultimately, He died for them to offer an amazing gift of eternal life.  What amazing kind of love is that?  I hope that I can show at least a little bit of that same love to everyone that comes across my path, regardless of what they believe.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that we're all entitled to our own opinions, and the whole "bashing" thing makes everyone seem like a bunch of petty teenagers..  And while I do get tired of constantly hearing the liberal side of things, you're allowed to agree with those views and I'm ok with that.  I want people to know me as being different than the average person and Christian, and even though I accept you for who you are, I hope you can respect me enough to listen to my views too and understand that I don't necessarily agree with you in every area.

I think that many Christians get a bad rap for shunning homosexuals or abortion supporters and the like, and I want to change that, or to at least make it so that my friends know I'm a different kind of Christian.  There's kind of a bad taste that gets into people's mouths when someone says "Christian".  It shouldn't be that way.  I want to get back to our roots, so to speak, and love everyone no matter what they've done.  Jesus is my example and I hope everyone can see the difference He makes in me.

If you actually read this through, thank you.  I hope that you can understand where I'm coming from and maybe get a different (hopefully positive) perception of me.  And if you want to talk to me or send a message, please do.  I want people to know where I stand, and maybe understand why I may seem a little different than everyone else.

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