April 12, 2012

Sorry, Not Really...But--

Okay, this isn't to anyone in particular but if you get offended. I guess, I warned you. Agreed? I wanted my first post on DDC in awhile to be about the new happenings in our lives. BUT-- something else has grabbed my attention. Hang on for a bit, Grace and I may update you with those details in another post this weekend. Meanwhile...drum rolls...tat tat tattatatatat tat...

So recently I have found myself counting to 10, then 25 then 75 on and off for a few years. And today...I just couldn't do it anymore. I am not angry...I am disappointed. As a Christian, I grew up being taught to love people, as Christ. I was told to respect authority, even though I may not exactly agree.Why? Because it would be a great witness. But after the last election, I felt like my world turned upside over night and in the coming months.

The country elected an African-American president (wowzers, not bad or good, just wow...), then began the insults...and I honestly didn't know if it was race motivated or party bashing. But in this case, you can never tell. But all in all...I try to be positive, ya know? And since I studied history and government, you know in books where I learned government processes and how things actually get done....ironically things rarely get done in Washington anymore. It's become a party...but anyways...I don't understand why people think that Obama or anyone can just flip switches and have things passed or done overnight. We all should know that just isn't realistic. Any President is blocked and given the run around. And yes, he's going to try and pass bills for his party, because they all have agendas, all politicians do.

I am not here to give you a lesson. I am here to talk about respect. You know, R-E-S-P-E-C-T, let me tell you what it means to me...it means a lot. And I am not just saying this because I'm black, our president is black...NO. I am saying, this was going on with BUSH JR. and any other guy we've had in office since since back in the day, which may have been a Wednesday...(bad joke there ignore it...if you can).

I always try to make my Christian witness a priority over anything and everything including political ideals. What I have seen in the past few years, is disappointing to say the least. I'm not worried the world getting bitter about politics, I should be but its not what I am currently focused on. Here's what does have my focus. The ridicule, and anger bordering on hatred coming from many claiming to follow Christ. Instead of attacking just the issues , many are falling into the trap of attacking the person instead.

But, come along with me readers, and let's see what the BIBLE says, you know God's Word says. Because maybe I can shed some light on what the whole point of this blog post.

First century Christians honoured the Emperor with the exception of worshiping him as a god, even as they had become enemies of the state and were executed for their faith. In the book of Peter, he explains why we should do this as Christians.

1 Peter 2:21-23 says, “For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in His footsteps. He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in His mouth. When He was reviled, He did not revile in return; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but continued entrusting Himself to Him who judges justly.”

The reason? We live this way, honouring those in authority even when they make us suffer so that they will glorify God. “Keep your conduct honourable among the gentiles so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation.” 1 peter 2:12

I'm more concerned with my Christian witness than I am with politics. I think our goal is NOT for us to mold and form the government into how we see fit. Regardless if our policy passes or not, we should still live our lives so that people glorify God. It would be better to have lost the policy vote and have people come to Jesus than to have the policy passed and lost our witness and future souls in heaven. Makes sense?

We are to honour others. We are to treat them with respect and dignity. We debate the issues. We don’t attack the person. Being on the public stage should be in order to show what a Christian is really like, not just what we think, BUT HOW WE LOVE and honor others. And this isn't just about politics, this is about honouring your boss, your husband, your wife, your parents. Christians are held under scrutiny as it is, and when a Christian has a ton of followers, readers and subscribers. As a Christian, we have to watch what we say or how we act. In the musical Into the Woods, there's this song...

Careful the things you say
Children will listen
Careful the things you do

Children will see and learn
Children may not obey, but children will listen

Children will look to you for which way to turn

I think that carries over with people in general. And think about this, soilders in our military. They respect their Commander in chief, no matter what party because he is in charge. They pray or have hope, he will make the right decisions. So why can't we do the same for those God has allowed to be in authority over us?

So disagree all you want with President Obama, or governor. Disagree with policy but honour the office and the person in it. Don't make bumper stickers or make him the subject of a punchline. The Bible is pretty clear that all authority comes from God. So whoever rules over us, got their from God. So when we dishonour that authority, we ultimately dishonor God. We are told to love our enemies. We are not told to have fuzzy feelings, but think of it this way. They were created in the image of God too! We are to carry out acts of kindness and love towards them, even when we don’t feel like it or like them. The issue in the Bible is always whether or not those in authority are requiring us to violate scripture. If they are not, then we submit. Make sense?

We should never be surprised when unbelievers don’t have our beliefs or priorities. But that is never an excuse for us to do anything differently from how Jesus would have treated them.

I should also clarify, that I don't really know anyone's heart or mind. I don't know our President's, or anyone. So all I can do is pray for people. I think Christians, have that miracle everyday. It's a miracle and blessing that we can pray for others.

1 comment:

  1. "First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior." I Timothy 2: 1 - 3, ESV
